K4ICT provides specific services with which he can satisfy our client requirements. K4ICT Software has experience on implementing database-oriented, multimedia-oriented and web-based products.
During the software analysis and development step, the software will be put under user evaluation, guiding him step by step to the checking of his requirements. K4ICT Software proposes new ideas that contributes to the quality of the final product too.
The following is a list of the most important services provided by K4ICT Software:

Client and Web Applications:
  • under client request, we start with the requirement analysis and specification needed for a correct evaluation of the product to create;
  • the software will be put under user evaluation in several versions: alpha version, beta version and final version.
Technical support and updates:
  • we will provide technical support to the user that uses our software;
  • possible updates of products will be provided to the same users; in this way, we guide the user to the enhancement of his product even after the deploy of the software itself.
K4ICT provides consultance and assistance on REACH. Click here to see more about the offered services.

For info: k4ictsoftware@k4ict.com